As the temperature begins to get colder and the winter season approaches it is necessary to winterize your sprinkler system in Houston.
1) Pro’s to shutting down sprinkler system and draining back-flow.
Properly draining your backflow is the only way to 100% protect it from freeze damage. To drain your backflow properly is getting all the water out in water lines above the ground. Any lines in the ground are safe because we do not have any sub surface freezing in Houston.
Turning your water off is not good enough without draining.
Grass and some plants go dormant in the winter and do not require as much water. No need to water extra in a wet winter which will save money on your water bill.
We offer winterization services that include draining water in your backflow and turning on your system when ready.
2) Pro’s to keep your system running for the winter.
Convenience to run your system when you want.
You get to keep watering your plants and foundation. It has been a dry year in Houston in 2022. Your trees always need water.
Watering your plants before a light freeze. This is a nice option in a sprinkler system and can save plants from freeze damage.
When you turn off the water to your sprinkler system you cannot water until it is turned back on.
Here are some great options for protecting your backflow!
Wilkins Freeze Relief Valve
This must be installed with Wilkins backflow. This will not require you to winterize your sprinkler system. This product works fantastic, you do not have to shut your system down or drain your backflow.
Insulate your back-flow with bag cover and Velcro seal.
This is a great option and Bag is rated for temperatures down to 20 degrees when sealed.
Call Southwest Irrigation Systems at 281-494-3700 today to set up an appointment or request an appointment.